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Beautiful Bill

Beautiful Bill

Oh, how I love my Beautiful Bill,
On good days and bad, I love him still
He’s different than anyone I know
And I always want my love to show.

He’s kind, gentle and oh, so sweet,
No one else I want to meet.
He’s my lover, soul mate, my best friend.
I will love him to the end.

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Riches Untold

When I look in your eyes, I can see,Christian Writing Ministry
All the love you have for me.
I can feel your love is true,
And I become one with you.

Lost in each other, we both melt,
This experience, I’ve never felt.
I want to share with you my life,
To honor and love you as your wife.

Waking up each morning next to you,
Is all I ever want to do.
Holding you in my heart through the day,
As we both go our separate way.

To join back with you once again,
As the day comes to an end.
And as I sleep, in my arms I hold
A gift from God equal to riches untold.

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My Snowflake

Christian Writing MinistryYou are like a snowflake in my eyes,
That one day, just fell out of the sky.
You surely came from God above,
Into my life, for me to love.

Just like a snowflake is one of a kind,
So are you, in my heart and mind.
You’re valuable and precious beyond compare,
With you, my life I want to share.

To have and to hold in my heart,
Knowing we will never part.
I’ll love you for the rest of my life,
And be honored to be called your wife.

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New Life

In the air, there’s a feeling of spring,
A time when every living thing
Seems to awaken to new life and beauty
I’m feeling the same is true for me.

Christian Writing MinistryThe road I’m on has been long,
But the journey made me strong
I see the end now in sight
I again, draw on Your might.

I take comfort in Your love,
And ask You to give me a shove
The change You’re prompting me to make,
Is a step I don’t want to take.

In my flesh, it seems so hard,
My heart feels tattered and scarred,
I want to protect it from further pain,
Even though I know, new life I’ll gain

Take my hand and come with me,
From this bondage, You’ll set me free,
Your healing hands will bind my pain,
With You, I’ll stand and remain

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Growing Pains

Growing painsChristian Writing Ministry
they are so hard,
But such a necessary part
of life

In one year
Seems ten I’ve grown
I sometimes feel
so all alone
in strife.

But in my loneliest
Is when I always
The face of Christ

The arms of Jesus
reach for me
Everyday, but I best see
in darkness

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The Pit

You were there when I was numbChristian Writing Ministry
When I was lost.
When I didn’t know where to find…..

I didn’t know where to look.
Going through the motions
seemed so hard.
My struggles just brought
me deeper in the pit.

But, no pit is deeper
than the arm of God.
And You were there.
You met me in my pit,
and sat with me awhile.
And we cried together.
We mourned my losses:
-of hope
-of the future
that “my mind” had planned,
and realized that You directed my path.

Your plans are better than mine,
Your thoughts are higher than mine.
And I put my hand in Yours,
and You are bringing me out of that pit.
And I know there is glorious sunshine at the end.

However long it takes
However many rocks are in my path,
we will go hand in hand
and I will trust You
and follow You completely.
For You know me
and even though You know,
You love me!

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Christian Writing MinistryYou bind up broken hearts,
Well mine is broken apart
In my mind, I do believe,
Yet I can’t seem to receive.

Receive and walk next to You
Involve You in all I say and do,
I’m isolated and so alone,
My life is empty as is my home

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Open My Eyes

Open My Eyes

While on the mountain with His disciples surrounding Him, He asked Philip, “Where shall we get bread, that these many (referring to the crowd) might eat?” Jesus asked Philip as he was from Bethsaida (about 9 miles away) and if any of the disciples would know, it would be him. Jesus already knew what He was going to do, but was testing Philip to strengthen his faith. Philip answered Jesus saying “Two hundred denarii (pieces of silver) isn’t enough to buy bread for each person to get a piece.”

Andrew, one of the disciples said to Jesus, “There is a boy here who has five barley loaves and two small fish, but what are they among so many?”

Jesus said “Have the people sit down”. He took the bread, and when He had given thanks, handed the bread to the disciples, and the disciples distributed it to those sitting down; and likewise of the fish, as much as they wanted. When they were filled, He said to His disciples, “Gather up the fragments that remain, so that nothing is lost.” The disciples gathered them up and filled twelve baskets with the fragments, which were left over by those who had eaten.

I see several things going on here:

  • Jesus was teaching the disciples that financial resources are not the most important and human ways of thinking and doing only limits God. There is no limit to what God can do.
  • The disciples certainly had more resources than the boy did, but the disciples knew they didn’t have enough, so they didn’t give anything at all. The boy gave what little he had and it made all the difference.
  • Things have a certain value when they are in our hands, but once we give them to Jesus, they take on a different value. Even if what we have is small; Jesus can take it and turn it into something great.
  • Jesus prefers to work through people.
  • Jesus gave thanks for the food, but gave it to the disciples to distribute to the crowd. Jesus uses people that humble themselves to serve.
  • Jesus had the disciples collect the fragments so that none would be wasted. Jesus gives in abundance and He values even the broken fragments.

Here’s a poem about being stewards and servants:

Lord open my eyes so I can see,
That all I have, You’ve given me.
The job I go to every day,
The car I take along the way.

Friends of mine, both far and near,
My family that I hold so dear.
My body, money and my home,
All of these are mine on loan.

You’ve given them to me to use,
But, they really do belong to You.
You give and I receive,
Then I pass on to others in need.


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Beautiful Bill

Oh, how I love my Beautiful Bill, On good days and bad, I love him still He’s...
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Riches Untold

When I look in your eyes, I can see, All the love you have for me. I can feel your love...
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My Snowflake

You are like a snowflake in my eyes, That one day, just fell out of the sky. You surely...
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New Life

In the air, there’s a feeling of spring, A time when every living thing Seems to awaken...
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Growing Pains

Growing pains they are so hard, But such a necessary part of life In one year Seems ten...
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The Pit

You were there when I was numb When I was lost. When I didn’t know where to...
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You bind up broken hearts, Well mine is broken apart In my mind, I do believe, Yet I...
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Open My Eyes

While on the mountain with His disciples surrounding Him, He asked Philip, “Where shall...
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