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Doug and Rebecca

God has joined you two as one
And so, a new journey has begun.
To travel together as man and wife,
This journey is meant to be for life.

You’ve started out so unique,
I know it’s a quality you will keep.
On the wedding float you did ride,
Only one more ceremony left to survive!

One in December, the other in May,
The best for both of you, I do pray,
Your creativity I so admire,
Of you two, I will never tire.

And so I wish you both the best,
As you pursue in life your quest.
Your marriage will truly be blessed,
When in God’s arms you do rest.

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Christmas Boy

Christian Writing MinistryChristmas, the day of Jesus’ birth,
When God sent His son to earth.
A peasant girl was to bring,
Unto us this newborn King

In a manger He was born,
Early on a winter’s morn.
With the animals on some hay,
Is the place our Savior lay.

During His childhood and as He grew,
He had a life like me and you.
He was royalty that didn’t show,
And so the people did not know.

Nothing but a carpenter in their eyes,
Not the Messiah, who heard their cries.
Emmanuel, the Prince of peace,
Sent so strife and struggle could cease.

Grace and mercy He offered us,
When He died upon the cross.
To wash away our earthly sins
In us a new life could begin.

God could’ve given Him a different life
Full of royal favors; void of strife.
Fishermen for disciples, a peasant for a mother,
God surely could have chosen many others.

He worked then as He works today,
Using the lowly and the broken to say,
My strength is where you are weak,
The earth will be inherited by the meek.

Trust in me, you can’t go wrong,
In your heart, I’ll put a song,
In your life, I’ll give you joy,
If you have faith in this Christmas boy.

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Doug and Rebecca

God has joined you two as one And so, a new journey has begun. To travel together as man...
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Christmas Boy

Christmas, the day of Jesus’ birth, When God sent His son to earth. A peasant girl...
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