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Through the Narrow Gate

Through the Narrow Gate

“Enter through the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and spacious and broad is the way that leads away to destruction, and many are those who are entering through it. But the gate is narrow (contracted by pressure) and the way is straightened and compressed that leads away to life, and few are those who find it. Matthew 7:13-14

“I call heaven and earth to witness this day against you that I have set before you life and death, the blessings and the curses; therefore choose life that you and your descendants may live.” Deuteronomy 30:19

“And to this people you (Jeremiah) shall say, Thus says the Lord: Behold, I set before you the way of life and the way of death.” Jeremiah 21:8

The Christian life is compared to entering a narrow gate and walking down a narrow path rather than the wide gate that leads to the spacious and broad path. The narrow path leads to life and the spacious path leads to destruction. There are many that enter through the wide, but few that enter the narrow.

I believe most people don’t find the narrow gate because they aren’t really seeking it. (“…If you seek Him [inquiring for and of Him and requiring Him as your first and vital necessity] you will find Him…” 1 Chronicles 28:9) People look for easy ways to get through life. The wide gate is easy to see, there are crowds going through that gate, it’s where most of our friends are. The wide gate and the spacious path are great, we can carry all of our “stuff” with us on that path, and we don’t need to lay anything down. It feels comfortable, we can bring our luxuries with us, we can stop anytime we want to and for as long as we want to, there is no one to prompt us along on our journey. There is an element of control for the people on this path, it’s “every man for himself”, it’s okay to wear a mask and people aren’t expected to be accountable or responsible. To some this feels free!

I’m on the narrow path and it’s different. I had to look for it to find it, and I really had to choose this is the way I wanted to go. The first thing I noticed about the gate and the path is there’s not much room for baggage; I needed to lay down some of my “stuff” at the entrance. This path may not be real comfortable, it is a difficult path, I may fall, slip or slide, but the best part about it is there’s always someone to help me up. This path is not real crowded, but I found helpful people and fellowship.

If you decide to take this path, here are some of the things you may find difficult. Other people may not understand and may ridicule you. The road is not only narrow, but it winds around and you can’t see very far ahead, you don’t know what’s up there. It goes uphill; sometimes you go through water or fire; you may encounter a snake on the path; or a lion roaming around, trying to devour you. As you get further along on this path, you realize that it gets narrower and you continually have to lay things down and leave them behind. The odd thing is as you lay things down and leave them; you acquire different things in their place. Lay down impatience, you acquire patience; lay down pride, you get humbleness and meekness; lay down control, you get peace and joy; lay down judgmental thinking, and acquire acceptance and gentleness. There is a process of restoration, healing and redemption that occurs on this path. The new things you acquire are easy and light to carry not a burden. There’re many places to rest, you’re never alone Jesus walks with you, the Holy Spirit empowers you and God watches over you. There is safety here and no worry, and most of all you are loved.

The biggest difference in these two paths is where you end up. The wide path brings you to destruction and the narrow brings you to life. It is your choice–choose life!


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Willing to be Willing

Christian Writing Ministry“As Jesus started on his way, a man ran up to Him and fell on his knees before Him. “Good teacher,” he asked, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?”  “Why do you call me good?” Jesus answered. “No one is good–except God alone.  You know the commandments: `Do not murder, do not commit adultery, do not steal, do not give false testimony, do not defraud, honor your father and mother.”  “Teacher,” he declared, “all these I have kept since I was a boy.” Jesus looked at him and loved him. “One thing you lack,” He said. “Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow Me.” At this the man’s face fell. He went away sad, because he had great wealth.”  Mark 10:17-22

The rich man had kept all the commandments and was successful, but his values were distorted. He had to face the reality that his goals in life were wealth and power, yet these had left his life empty. Happiness is never found in money, success, or power. It is found in living in a good relationship with God and others. The rich man had loved things more than God and people.

The rich man was not willing to give up what he had. His grasp was firmly around his possessions and he was into idolatry, he loved his possessions and success more than God.

“The spirit is willing, but the body is weak.” Matt. 26:41b

God knows that we are not perfect and we have desires of the flesh. He doesn’t demand perfection, just willingness. If we are willing to do something for God, He will give us what is needed to accomplish whatever it is.

The rich man was not willing. I can relate to him, there are times in my life that I’m not willing either. During those times I have learned to pray to the Lord and tell Him that I’m not willing, but I am willing to be willing. I pray that if it is something Christ wants me to do, He needs to make me willing.

Following are words to the song “Everything I Own” by “Pegtop”. A group the Minister of Music at my church is in. It touched me so deeply, I want to share.

What would I give to be pure in heart,
And pure in flesh and bone?
What would I give to be pure in heart?
I’d give everything I own.

I’d rid my whole house of its demons of lust
And open the windows of trust
And out of those windows all fear will have flown
And I’d give everything I own

What would I give for the words of God
To come tumbling from the throne?
What would I give for the words of God?
I’d give everything I own

I’d open my head and they’d roll right in,
When I open my mouth they’d roll out again.
They’d uproot the weeds of the deeds I have sown,
And I’d give everything I own

What would I give for my children’s strength
On the day they stand alone?
I mean what would I give for their strength to stand firm?
I’d give everything I own

I’ve wasted my life
In accomplishing things
Ignoring the giver of wings.
Lord teach them to fly to the foot of Your throne,
And I’d give everything I own

All I’ve accomplished and the titles I hold,
My passions, positions, possessions and gold.
To God they must look like a thimble of foam–
And it’s everything I own.
Dirty rags is all I own.

So I stand before God with my truckload of hay,
He gets asked, but says there is still a way.

Because “Father forgive” are the words Jesus moaned,
And He gave everything He owned.
When He gave everything He owned.

So what would I give to be pure in heart
For the known to be unknown?
I mean what would I give to be…
Born again?

© Pegtop 1999 Stone Jetty Publishing/BMI

Are you willing to give it all; everything you own? Are you like the rich man, holding tightly to things that have no lasting value? Ask God to make you willing to be willing, you’ll not regret it.


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Making Excuses to God

Making Excuses to God

It was a day just like any other day, except it was really hot and humid. I came home from work, laid underneath my ceiling fan and put in a movie. It wasn’t too long and I got a call from the Pastor of my old church. He and I had been really close, I was the church secretary and we would spend a lot of time talking. He was there for me the first few years of my Christian life and got me going on the right path.

He called wanting to know if he could refer someone to me that is going through a time in their life like what I went through in my past. He wanted me to share and minister to this person. I felt honored, that God wanted to use me in this person’s life. All the pain, heartache and struggles that I went through were not in vain. God is going to use those to help others in need! I love to minister to others, to see someone who is hurting and struggling find hope and healing. There is no greater joy than to watch that transformation happen.

As we were talking, we were catching up on each other’s lives. I updated him on a few things and he asked me questions that no one has asked me lately. Things like: How do you feel about that? Where are you in your walk with God? How is your soul? After I got off the phone I got thinking about his questions.

I am the kind of person that needs a sounding board, someone just to listen to me as I talk about my feelings, emotions and thoughts. It helps me to figure out what’s really going on. If it’s ok, I’d like to use this forum as my “sounding board”.

I realize that I am at a place in my life that I’m making excuses to God for my sins. I’m not being accountable or responsible for the way that I’m living. I am blaming my past experiences for my current behavior and choices. I really love God and want to be obedient, but, I am afraid to do what I know is right. I don’t trust my discernment and my ability to make right I am currently living with my boyfriend and I know that I should marry him, we talk about it, but yet due to a previous marriage/divorce I am afraid to make that step. We both love God and have given our lives to Him. My boyfriend has a history of DWI’s and addiction, I have a history of addictions as well. I’ve been straight for almost 5 years and never have slipped. He’s had a slip just recently and is in the workhouse serving time for a DWI. I know that God has gotten his attention and is working on him.

I got delivered from my addictions by God in a supernatural way, and have a hard time remembering that some people have to be healed step by step. I know that we are transformed from glory to glory, and I need to have the grace, mercy and patience to allow God to know the timing that is needed for each individual. This is a learning experience for me because my deliverance was immediate. It was a miracle in my life. I know that God is using my boyfriend (and maybe this other person that my Pastor is referring to me) to teach me the various ways that God works.

The Bible says “Not that I have now attained (this ideal), or have already been made perfect, but I press on to lay hold of (grasp) and make my own, that for which Christ Jesus (the Messiah) has laid hold of me and made me his own. I do not consider, brethren, that I have captured and made it my own (yet); but one thing I do (it is my one aspiration): forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the (supreme and heavenly) prize to which God in Christ Jesus is calling us upward.” Philippians 3:12-14 (AMP). Also, “Therefore, if any person is in Christ he is a new creation (a new creature altogether); the old (previous moral and spiritual condition) has passed away. Behold, the fresh and new has come!” II Corinthians 5:17 (AMP). Both of these verses tell me that I am not to look at the past to get a picture of the future. The past is exactly that, the past. Joyce Meyer (spiritual teacher and conference leader) often says that the way you start is not as important as the way that you finish and the start does not make or break you at the finish when it comes to spiritual matters. God can and does transform everyone and anyone.

The Bible also tells me “Now the Lord is Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty (emancipation from bondage, freedom) And all of us, as with unveiled face, (because we) continued to behold (in the Word of God) as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are constantly being transfigured into His very own image in ever increasing splendor and from one degree of glory to another; (for this comes) from the Lord (Who is) the Spirit.” II Corinthians 3:17-18.(AMP) Also, “”Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind…” Romans 12:2. These verses tell me that we are changed from “glory to glory” and by the renewing of our minds. I know that this is true, my anniversary for being straight is in August and it will be 5 years. I think of how far I’ve come and I’m amazed. God is truly an Awesome God.

Thank you for allowing me to use this as a sounding board, I pray that this article has given you something to think about in your own life. If you are like me and using excuses for your sin or using your past to judge the future, join me in trusting the future to God, trusting our own and other’s transformations to God, (nothing is too big for Him!), confessing and repenting our sins, knowing that God will be and always has been faithful. He is there for us, He loves us and we CAN trust Him.

Bless you.

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Weakness Can Be Strong

We’re taught that weakness is not good,Christian Writing Ministry
To always be strong like we should.
But there’s a limit to what’s inside,
To how much pain that we can hide.

We go through life, stuffing and denying,
Until it comes easily, without trying.
We turn to liquor, drugs and beer,
To avoid the feelings that we fear.

Life seems good, for a while,
We learn to function and to smile.
But then one day the bottom crashes in,
And we realize this isn’t how to win.

We’ve tried and tried with all our might,
And still the end seems out of sight.
We know that we can’t do it alone,
And we turn to God to lead us home.

After we’ve been clean for some time,
Those old grievances and pain come to mind.
Now is the time that we face them head on,
Learning sometimes, weakness is really being strong.

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Honoring God

Christian Writing MinistryIf what you have doesn’t meet your need,
Be wise enough to turn it to seed.
Plant it and water it every day,
With faith in your heart and the words you say.

For God wants our life to be abundant,
That’s the reason His Son was sent.
To give us a joyful life of victory,
That we would live to bring Him glory.

So honor Him in all you do,
And His strength will see you through,
There’s blessings on the other side of pain
The joyful life is ours to gain.

Keep your eyes focused on Him
Don’t let your vision turn within.

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Step 6

My prayer is for a willing heart,Christian Writing MInistry
I believe that’s the place to start,
Make me willing from within,
To let go of my defects and sin.

To give them to you for you to heal,
Straight-up, no strings, without a deal.
My previously developed coping skills
I now exchange for Your will.

Mold me, shape me and purify me,
Put me through the refiner’s fire.
To live a life like Jesus Christ,
This is my true desire.

The process is painful, this I know,
But, serenity is on the other side,
Your blessings You freely bestow,
To those willing to give up their pride.

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Pity Party

In times like these, I feel like such a misfit,
Christian Writing MinistryI wanna give up, throw in the towel and quit.
Sometimes it doesn’t matter what I do,
Some people just won’t like me, it’s true.

That familiar feeling returns, being sorry for myself,
Wanting to hide, withdraw and sit on a shelf.
I tell myself I’m a big girl, I can take it,
But my feelings well up and I can’t fake it.

I’m hurt, disappointed and needing to heal,
It’s easier to deny the feelings I feel.
Pain isn’t fun, but I know God uses it for my good,
He’ll hold my Hand And walk me through it, like only He could.


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My Love Letter to Jesus


Christian Writing MinistryI love you like no other! I treasure Your creation – the sunset I’m watching across the frozen lake is so awesome. But, it doesn’t even compare to You. You’ve done so many wonderful things for me. I will serve You with all of my days. You loved me when I felt I was unlovable, You cared for me and protected me when I thought no one did, or would. When I was at my lowest, feeling like the biggest failure, You thought I was precious and beautiful. It seems everyone I knew had betrayed me and abandoned me at some point, but You never did. You were there waiting for me to love You all those years that I wanted nothing to do with You. And, when I returned, You welcomed me back with open arms! I’m continually amazed and blessed at your forgiveness, compassion and mercy. I love You with all my heart. All my everything – I give to You.

The sun is setting now and the colors are beyond description. I’ve always felt You the most in nature. The beauty, the colors, the sounds and smells. It’s all a beautiful, wonderful miracle. The wildlife is so unique, the deer, so gentle, the eagle, so strong and free. Jesus, I know I’m far more worthy and valuable to You than the animals and You take such good, loving care of them. Lord, I want to live a life like Jesus did on earth. I want to walk in love.

I thank You, praise You and worship You. I thank you for loving me and for allowing me to feel Your presence surrounding me. Bless You Lord; bless you friend, and forever I am grateful. Bless You King, bless you Savior, bless You lover of my soul.

You have loved me with a love like no other. I’m grateful, joyful—the feelings and emotions are beyond words. I love being married to You. You are always there for me.

The sun is gone, but the colors remain, blaze orange, rose and pink through the sky and clouds. WOW! To share a sunset in Your presence is so pleasing.

Thank You for the passion and hunger that You’ve given me for You. I truly feel special that You’ve chosen me! You’ve chosen to bless me with really great gifts! The ministry of poem writing blows me away! I don’t know why You chose me for that, and I quit trying to figure it out, I just enjoy it and all the rest You’ve blessed me with. The gift of an encourager, leader and administration. Wow! I’m excited to see where You’re going to take me. I’m thrilled to be growing with You and in You. You continually surprise me with Your wonderful blessings and kindness.

Thanks for the sacrifice You made on the cross for ME! I will be a living sacrifice for You. Use me, as You will.

I’m anticipating a wonderful journey and I know You’ll be there for it all and if I fall, You’ll pick me up, hold me, comfort me and direct my path and make it smooth. You’ve given me such wonderful promises and I claim them all.

I know You’ll put spiritual friends in my life of your choosing and a mentor as well. Train me to encourage and mentor others in the future to help others to be spiritually strong and mature.

With all my love, heart, soul, body, mind and emotions.

I’m yours!

Love Deb


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Through the Narrow Gate

“Enter through the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and spacious and broad is the...
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Willing to be Willing

“As Jesus started on his way, a man ran up to Him and fell on his knees before...
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Making Excuses to God

It was a day just like any other day, except it was really hot and humid. I came home...
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Weakness Can Be Strong

We’re taught that weakness is not good, To always be strong like we should. But there’s...
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Honoring God

If what you have doesn’t meet your need, Be wise enough to turn it to seed. Plant...
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Step 6

My prayer is for a willing heart, I believe that’s the place to start, Make me...
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Pity Party

In times like these, I feel like such a misfit, I wanna give up, throw in the towel and...
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My Love Letter to Jesus

Jesus: I love you like no other! I treasure Your creation – the sunset I’m...
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